Tarka Reiki and Radionic Practice
Relaxing and gentle therapies for the body, mind amd spirit
What is Reiki?
Reiki is a natural, powerful, safe method of healing that focuses on passing energy from practitioner to client. The treatment is of a gentle nature giving a feeling of peace, security and wellbeing and encourages support of one's own self healing. The Japanese word Reiki means “universal energy”. It was rediscovered by Mikao Usui in Japan in the 20th century.
What is Radionics
I am also a practitioner in Radionic healing. Radionics is a method of healing at a distance (known as radiesthesia) using specially designed instruments and or attuning of one's inner senses and channelling the subconscious responses. Treatments are sent at a distance through either mental projection, instrumental or by other means. All the forms of healing are directed towards one goal - the restoration of harmony and balance. As practitioners we utilise the subtle forces and energy systems as a point of analysing disharmonies that may be occurring.
Further information may be obtained from The Radionic Association website www.radionic.co.uk

How can you benefit from Reiki?
Reiki can help people and animals by bringing about complete relaxation and balance to the body and mind. It can be beneficial to all, treats the whole being and restores overall inner harmony. It is a non-diagnostic and non-invasive treatment and will not interfere with other complementary or holistic therapies or medication prescribed by medical professionals. It can however, assist the results of all treatments. (Advice should always be sought by a specialist doctor or vet in addition to any therapy received).
What to expect
During a Reiki session a person will be fully clothed and I will place my hands either on or above areas known as "Chakras/Energy Centres". This allows a flow of energy to pass through from my hands to appropriate areas of the body, which has a calming effect. A Reiki session can last between an hour and an hour and half depending on each individual need.
Benefits of Reiki and Radionics
*Increased energy
*Reduction or elimination of pain
*Deep relaxation and inner peace
*Feeling of wellbeing
*Encourages positive decisions
*Improves health
*Enhances quality of life
*Reduces stress

Crystals can be used to enhance Reiki therapy and help channel energy where its needed most.